Tuesday, September 22, 2009

To fuck or not to fuck? How far is too far?

Today, a reader emailed me with a question I just love to answer...

Charlotte, I was just wondering. In your industry, is there any kind of guy that is 100% off limits? What do you do if he is famous or married? - Regina

Well Regina, like you undoubtably already know, it's an economy based on goods and services is it not? These men are unhappy and deprived by their Sig-O's (significant others) and are looking for a service that I provide. In return, I provide the service of what I do best in exchange for their good. Wam Bam thank you Ma'am =]

I mean, sure, I am not "in love" with every guy that I service. But, what most people don't realize, is I can afford to be picky in my industry. I mean otherwise you end up on the news with your fingers and toes cut off am I wrong? Every customer is by referral only, and even then I still turn men (and women) down. I can't go too far into how I run business as let's face it, it is highly illegal.

So what I am getting at is most of the time, I can eliminate the problem of an off limits or shady guy before the situation arises. Definitely though, the only kind of guy that is ALWAYS a no, and this should be for EVERY woman, is the guy who is dangerous. (And I don't mean those who can play bad boy).

As far as famous men go, I have serviced enough not to have fingers to count them on, and not going to lie, they're the best customers. They never try to cheat you because theyre rolling in the dough, and frankly they're the ones who like to be the most discrete. Most of the more acclaimed men I've fucked have been atheletes, and a word to the wise ladies, they're just like every other man... Nothing special except for the hot bodies.

Marriage. The biggest flaw of society... I mean, if you want to get married and have a huge, beautiful, lavish wedding, be my guest.. but personally it's hard to find monogamy worth while when you see so many cheating spouses in your line of work. There are so many people out there who from the outside have a beautiful life, career, spouse and children who are unhappy. Some of them don't even want sex, but rather company.

So many men have asked me to just lay with them and hold them and go out and be seen with them. Why? Because you women out there aren't doing your job. Yes, take it from me that IF YOU DO NOT TREAT YOUR MAN RIGHT he will find someone who will. Men are super good at finding prostitutes. And, I'm sorry, Honey, but if your husband/boyfriend/fiancee is going to cheat, he is going to cheat no matter what... so it might as well be with me so I can buy that new dress I've had my eye on. =]

I hate to say it but those two types of men, famous and married, are my favorites because they stick to the rules. College boys just fall in love and old men are too gross to touch, so that is my main clientele.

And to all the married ladies out there, do your husband and me a favor and fuck him tonight... I know I don't really want to, but you know that I will for a hefty chunk of Junior's college fund.




  1. absoloutely loving this blog. keep it up! x

  2. Hi Charlotte,

    Your blog is most unique. I never thought I would subscribe (follow) such a blog, but I follow yours.

    You should write a book. Your writing is honest, to the point and unpretentious, yet I don't find it dirty or perverted. Your style is most unique and you might be pleasantly surprised at the size of your potential audience of readers who appreciate your honest perspective, although, we may not agree with your "positions," you certainly have credibility.

    Check out the writers blog: barrywrites.blogspot.com
